Infographic of Shaker's business boomThe development of Shaker’s two primary business areas – the Chagrin-Lee District and the Van Aken District – began to take shape 20 years ago with the City’s Strategic Investment Plan. The City’s elected leadership changed over those two decades, as did the details of the plan itself, but the overarching vision remained the same: Transform Shaker’s commercial areas to reflect the quality of the established residential districts so that they become thriving places to do business.

This was a drastic departure from the City’s century-old template of a residential-only (or nearly so) Cleveland suburb. But the changing economic picture demanded it. And while there is still a lot of work to be done, the facing infographic tells the tale: An astonishing 47 new businesses have opened in Shaker over the past two years, primarily in the Van Aken District or Chagrin-Lee District.

In addition:

  • Over $600K in income tax generated by new businesses since 2018
  • 77,654 square feet of office space occupied by new businesses since 2018
  • 12 loans and more than $2M financed as a result of the SBA Shaker Partnership Loan to support business growth and development since 2015
  • 13 projects and more than $267K in exterior improvements due to the City’s Storefront Renovation Program since 2016
  • 16 Vision Fund Loans awarded, 9 fully paid off since 2011

Below we profile five businesses that have added new dimension to Shaker’s business landscape – artisanal shops whose owners take pride in unique products and services.

The Artisans